Please consider helping someone in need, who desperately needs their health back

Hope Moves is an organisation that was started out of my own journey. I found it difficult to get answers for why I was battling with chronic health issues at the young age of 27. Medical aid does not cover ‘fancy’ functional testing and yet it provided me with an abundance of answers, that no Dr was able to give me. 

Further to this, treatment is so expensive, this includes, removing the cause of the problem, supplementation as well as lifestyle changes. Had it not been for the many kind hearted people who helped me, I would not be here today. My heart is set on helping ALL people, regardless of financial abilty. 

The truth, however is that functional testing and lifestyle changes DO require finances. This is where Hope Moves, comes in. I have set up these pages for loved ones to donate to their family or friend’s cause. Similar to ‘Go fund me’, I use this as a platform to help people who need it most. I do not take any % of the funds raised, like many of the other platforms do. I do however use the funding for functional testing and towards any recommendations that I make for that person, in order to get them well again.

ALL funding raised will go towards tests and treatment. NONE of the funds raised will go to anything other than these two causes.

To confirm, ALL FUNDS go to the following:

1) TESTING to find the ROOT CAUSE of the problem

2) TREATMENT going forward. The treatment will included supplements, diet and lifestyle changes, and any other products or treatment that I deem necessary based on test results.

If YOU or someone you know fits the profile of a chronically ill person, who needs fundraising in order to get proper treatment, then please fill out a contact form below and I will get back to you SOONEST.

In the message section, please tell me the person’s name who needs help as well as their current diagnosis or lack there of, symptoms and how long they have been struggling.This person will be contacted by me, in order for me to get permission to post their story on my ‘Patient Stories’ page.

I look forward to helping you as much as possible!

Message Us

If YOU or someone you know fits the profile of a chronically ill person, who needs fundraising in order to get proper treatment, then please fill out a contact form below and I will get back to you SOONEST.

In the message section, please tell me the persons name who needs help as well as their current diagnosis or lack their of, symptoms and how long they have been struggling.

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want to make a differEnce ?
Help those who are too ill, to help themselves...

Most people who are chronically sick, are unable to work and
therefore, unable to afford proper treatment and nutrition,
stuck in a vicious cycle of ill health.
Your donation could change a life forever!

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