Sarah is a 36 year young mother of a beautiful daughter and has a beeeg heart for all, young and old!!

She has experienced the kind of trauma that no one should go through in life, from losing her mom at a young age to losing everything she held dear physical and emotional, and having to build herself up from scratch several times throughout her life. 

This increddible woman has used her experiences in life and turned them into something powerful, through changing the lives of those who need it most. Her belief in giving back to all who have experienced pain, trauma or emotional torment in any form is why she palys a key role at Nature Me New.

She is our resident Life Coach and her interests and knowledge lie in depression and other mental illness, counselling, life coaching, ADHD, child behavioural issues, self esteem coaching, skin disorders and nutrition.

Sarah is on a mission to expand her studies in order to help as many people as possible.

Experience has taught her that blood work and functional testing are an essential starting point in determining the next steps to take so you are able to take back your life… free from pain, addiction, mental health problems, depression and chronic illness.

Let us help you to live the life you deserve!!

You can contact Sarah directly on 074 533 1175 to book an appointment with her or email, [email protected]

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