
Spore Based Probiotic


One of the best kinds of Probiotics. Spore Based probiotics have the abilty to drastically change the microbiome and modify inflammation, and immunity.

Spore Based Probiotic provides the following five key “reconditioning” strains of bacteria that help protect and recondition your gut flora:

Bacillus lichenformis

– Produces antibiotic bacitracin.
– Produces protease and improves protein digestion.
– Produces whole spectrum of B vitamins including folate(vitamin B9).

Bacillus indicus

– Potent immune stimulation.
– Produces high levels of carotenoids
– lycopene, axtaxanthin, beta-carotene, and lutein.
– Produces quinols and vitamins.
– The most effective antioxidant probiotic.

Bacillus subtilis

– Produces over 12 affective antibiotics.- Widely used, safe and highly effective.
– Produces nattokinase and vitamin K2.- Highly important for immune development – GALT (gut associated lymphatic tissue).

Bacillus clausii

– Most widely used probiotic in the world.
– Potent immune stimulator.
– Antibiotic resistant for use during antibiotic treatment.

Bacillus coagulans

Strongly studied with long history of use in;

– IBS, Crohn’s ulcerative colitis
– Produces L+ optical form of lactic acid.
– Potent immune stimulation.

Naturally produced gut antibiotics target only pathogens and fungus’s-further protecting your health)


As above


Just add water.

A couple squirts into water creates a delicious drink that absorbs quickly and floods your whole body with a harmonious blend of beneficial botanicals. Take once a day or more as required.


Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Consult your doctor if symptoms persist. Curcumin is known to be a blood thinner. If you are on blood thinners please take note that this could further thin your blood.


Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing  or are currently taking any medicine, consult with a physician. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Not tested for suitability for pregnant or lactating women. Do not take if sensitive to any of the ingredients.


Store below 25oC.



Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing  or are currently taking any medicine, consult with a physician. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Do not take this product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Discontinue use if you develop a sensitivity or allergy to any of the ingredients.

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