Let's get you healthy, there is no better time to start than now.
ALl you need to do is start...

Together we can make a change... I look forward to walking this journey of health and rediscovery, with you!

All too often we hear my clients say ” I always dreamed that ‘ONE DAY’ I would be well and myself again… little did they know that all they needed was a ‘DAY ONE’. 

DAY ONE is the day we meet and start implementing a plan of action for the future, a future of health, and discovering that you do not have to accept ‘idiopathic’ as a diagnosis or ‘forever’ as a prognosis.

FUnctional & integrative consults & functional test interpretation:

Have you been from Dr to Dr searching for answers, or been told you have a life long incurable condition? If this is you, then please let me be your next stop. I thrive on helping the most hopeless people get their lives back. I am I have a never give up, mind set, and although I know that you have likely been to many specialists by the time you seek my services, I will lift your spirits again, pray with you, walk with you and guide you back to health, one step at a time. I have been where you are and I know what it feels like to be let down and left without answers. I am here to help give you HOPE, send me a message and lets chat…

Please note that I am not an MD, but rather a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, unfortunately functional medicine consulting and testing is not covered by medical aids yet.


Monthly coaching is actually my first choice for EVERY patient. If I could choose for you, this is what I would choose. Why??? Well.. because healing is a journey, and I use personalised medicine based on your own body’s genetics and other specialised functional testing, to become a medical detective ‘so to speak’. This takes time and ongoing interaction between you and me. The coaching package gives you the peace of mind, of having me at your disposal with any questions you may have and I keep checking in on you and following up on you. Please do note that my responses are not instant, but I always respond. I will no doubt recommend functional testing to you which is NOT included in the above fee. The tests are run by 3rd intern party international labs unless stated otherwise, and I have no control over their fee structure. However, to help my clients out, If more than one lab test is done, to help me get to the bottom of your condition, I do discount my fees by R600 on any coaching option taken.

integrative oncology coaching

Cancer is a complex and unfortunately all too common problem that modern medicine has not completely solved yet. 

This does not mean that there is nothing that you can do to beat it. 

To be clear, I do not advocate the alternative route, but rather an integrative method, where your oncologist and I work together to get you well and in remission. I will still help anyone who for personal or religious reasons cannot do conventional treatment. This will not be a journey for the faint hearted and you will need to know this from the start. Integrative Oncology is my biggest passion, and I will fight for you, advocate for you and will be rooting for you all the way. There is a better way and I can’t wait to be by your side fighting this battle with you. I am the functional coach who lifts you up when you don’t have the strength left to fight. I want you to know that it is my personal opinion based on my own experiences that cancer is a metabolic disease and absolutely CAN be reversed. Healing and cure are two very different things, I describe cure like this: ‘a CURE is a magic wand that magically makes the problem disappear like it never existed, whereas HEALING is this: your body and you acknowledging that there was a problem that needed urgent attention, giving your body the ammunition to fight it and then keeping certain changes in place, lifelong, to ensure that your body stays balanced and in harmony for the rest of your life. The more ammunition you use to fight it, the better. If you are ready to kick this to the curb, call me and lets get cracking, we have NO TIME to waste!! 

RE:code 2.0 packages

Re:CODE 2.0 is the upgraded protocol used by Dr Dale Bredesen and his incredible team in the US, to reverse Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia and cognitive decline. His research has brought light to the fact that most chronic diseases are caused by several contributing factors, rather than a single cause. 

I have seen that Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even ADHD respond well to his protocol. For most people the sheer intensity and amount of testing necessary makes this protocol seem like the the price is too high. Let me tell you, this protocol has quite literally saved 1000’s of lives, including my own. It was Dr Bredesen’s book, along with Dr Terry Wahls’ protocol that saved my own life. It is 100% worth it, if you want to heal, you will!! 

Book your Consultation

Book your consult below

Please note that in person consults are weekends only.

Virtual consults can be booked via whatsapp:

WA: 081 396 7904

Email: [email protected]

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Date & Time
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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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